What IT Governance Is


IT Governance is a comprehensive management system to ensure that an organization’s investment and use of its Information Technologies are aligned with and in support of the organization’s corporate strategic goals and meets the board’s fiduciary responsibilities.


Key elements of an IT Governance system must include:

  • corporate level direction of information technology’s purpose and outputs and assignment of the authority necessary to achieve the outputs;

  • a methodology to measure value and manage risks associated with IT systems and projects;

  • guidance regarding the architecture and infrastructure for all IT systems and

  • controls to ensure the sound management of system costs.

Key IT Governance Issues


      IT Principles: A set of corporate principles that speak to how IT is used in the organization. They create

      the foundation from which all policies, standards and guidelines will be developed. They have the affect of

      empowering the business to achieve the goals of the enterprise; ensuring information integrity; standardizing

      and integrating IT systems, generating IT as an investment to be managed and creating a shared vision of the



     IT Architecture: A set of policies that establish the relationships and technical specifications that will result in

     organizational integration and standardization.  The focus of IT architecture is process integration and data



     IT Infrastructure:  A strategy that minimizes the need to make significant investments in infrastructure without

     limiting the growth of the IT systems. It results in decisions about the infrastructure that best supports the rapid

     implementation of new systems and generate cost reduction to support current systems.


     Business Application Needs: A framework within which the organization can identify and fulfill specific

     business level needs that will add value to both customer and business. The decision making framework will also

     balance the need with expected value and the architectural restrictions created by the demand.


     IT Investment and Prioritization: A system to manage all IT investment decisions. The purpose is to resolve

     the questions of; “how much to invest”; “what to spend it on” and “how to reconcile the disparate demands”. A

     product of this area will be a consistent methodology to assess and monitor the value of each investment.




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